Gheorghe Virtosu artist
Gheorghe Virtosu
Migrant (2017)
  • Year 2017
  • 137x132 Cm / 54x52 In
  • Oil / Acrylic Base / Linen Canvas
  • Original Edition
Gheorghe Virtosu artist
Gheorghe Virtosu

Migrant (2017)

  • Year 2017
  • 137x132 Cm / 54x52 In
  • Oil / Acrylic Base / Linen Canvas
  • Original Edition
  • Sold

oil painting Description

Migrant by Gheorghe Virtosu touches upon the main themes of the artist’s creativity – war, human rights, global migration, multiculturalism etc. Depicted at the dark background which symbolizes the difficulties of immigration, the figure of a migrant symbolizes an unbent person who does not want to submit the difficulties of his current life. He moves to another world and brings there his native culture. This way, Migrant can be considered Virtosu’s autobiographic work.

"My first steps on its grounds felt like taking to the wings. I knew then and there that ‘s what real freedom must feel like. There was also something else about London, something familiar and warm like home-coming; I must have been a Londoner in a previous life!" - G. Virtosu

A play of light and shadow determines an energetic tune of connection and mutual penetration of civilizations. Cheerful mood is created by the Migrant bright palette, based on red, yellow, and blue tints. This can be considered as the triad of the most expressive and intensive colors. The abstract art master achieves this great effect by using his expressive loose brushwork, especially in the abstract painting ’s background.

A painting technique gives viewers an expression that an abstract form of a turtle-migrant is floating in the ocean of dark colors. The abstract painting composition conveys the sense of our total isolation from space. Meanwhile, melding and merging organic forms demonstrate how all existing things are interconnected – it is impossible to determine the beginning and the end of migrant’s figure, so we have to embrace it as the unity. Nevertheless, this unity is not stiff and solid - the canvas conveys the sense of inner motion and dynamism. Hence, this abstract art work reminds us of the great move of history — it should be understood as the phenomenon that is always in progress. Once people think something is conserved, we start repeating the same mistakes. It is correct to state that the work Migrant celebrates the enigma of our life and moral strength. When we become migrants, we understand that there is a powerful force behind our move to a new land. It is called love to life.

Abstract art oil painting
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Abandoned painting abstract art
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