- 8 Ways Social Distancing Can Boost Your Art Process
- April 21, '20

by Virtosu Art Gallery
April 21, '208 Ways Social Distancing Can Boost Your Art Process
Times of quarantine and social distancing have brought out the best and the worst out of us, depending on the perspective we have chosen. All over social media, you can hear artists complaining about how social distancing measures are harming their productivity and motivation. On the other hand, many artists are finding that this time of quiet and solitude has had tremendous benefits on their art process. In other words, with the right attitude, artists are producing the best work of their life.
In this overview, we will look at some of the factors that determine whether the social distancing period will be good or bad for your art process. If you choose to adopt the right mindset and accept that these circumstances can benefit you, you might start seeing the positive effect on your art process.
The basic premise behind social distancing is that you’ll spend an increased amount of time by yourself. Many artists are introverts who produce their work in an environment where they are alone, but there are many exceptions, too. Regardless of how much of an introvert you are, you will still spend a lot of time with your family and close friends.
This, however, is radically changed in times of social distancing. Even the most extroverted people are now forced to stay put and spend some quality time with themselves. Due to this environment, many people have turned to hobbies and interests that don’t necessarily have a social component, such as working out, cooking, or cleaning the house.
Even people who have never dedicated any time to art (other than elementary school classes) are now finding it enjoyable to draw, paint or sketch. This is because art is intrinsically a solitary activity that fosters a connection between the person's mind, emotions, and physical expression. It’s safe to say that, due to these circumstances, professional artists are especially feeling the positive effects of solitude.
Clean, Quiet Environment
When you cut out the noise from consumerist advertisement, the modern hustle and bustle, and profit-driven work lives, you’ll be left with pleasurable quiet, which is precisely what’s happening right now. Some people complain that this lack of everyday noise is making them anxious. What it does is that it boosts the volume of your thoughts and ideas. For some people, this can be terrifying, but for artists, it can be an incredible source of inspiration and creativity.
The outside world can get truly hectic, loud, and stressful. If you live in a big city, just stepping out into a crowded place can be anxiety-provoking for more sensitive artists. Now, when you take your daily walks, runs, or casual strolls, you will step out into a quieter, more peaceful world, with fewer crowds, fewer cars, and less public transport.
Increased Exposure to Art and Entertainment
When you’re home a lot, you’ll most likely scroll through social media newsfeeds or dig deeper into art discovery than you usually would. And that goes for everyone, which means that we’re seeing exponential growth of art posted online now that people have more time to dedicate to their creative expression.
You’ll also have more time to enjoy your favorite movies, TV shows, and books, which are always a great source of inspiration. You can even re-connect with some of your favorites that influenced your art in the past. For example, if a particular book influenced your art, re-read it, and see how your present mindset interprets it and processes it.
In line with what we have previously talked about, the increased volume of different art and styles featured on social media can be an inexhaustible source of inspiration. Many artists who have endless to-do lists, non-work obligations, and who juggle several activities at once don’t have the time to look at social media pages of other artists. Well, now, you do!
More Time for Running Social Media Pages
Now, let’s talk about another positive dimension of social media for artists – your own page/profile. During busy everyday life, many artists find it overwhelming to work on their projects and run their social media pages simultaneously. If you’re also running a blog section on your portfolio website, you can add the best essays to attract an increased number of visitors.
Having a social media page where you post regularly and consistently will increase your visibility and likelihood of establishing a wider audience base. In return, this can open a lot of doors in your future work. Just look at some of the most prominent artists today and how they use social media as a promotional tool.
Gratitude for the Little Things
If there’s something we have learned from this crisis, is that we should not take the everyday blessing and lovely rituals for granted. Before this, a little trip to the coffee shop a couple of steps away from your house was considered a given. Now, we barely remember the feeling of casually going to the places we used to go to every day.
Art has the peculiar capacity to accentuate these things and remind them of their importance even before they are gone. Therefore, artists who usually have the mindset of appreciating the tiniest details will feel that this sense is heightened during social distancing and quarantine.
A Mode of Expressing Your Feelings
Many artists and critics say that the best work is usually born from adversity. Sunshine and rainbows are awesome, but they will rarely give you enough fuel to come up with great work (if you're an exception to this rule, that's great!) Use the mixed and powerful emotions that you're feeling right now and channel them into your artwork. If you're feeling numb or you're not experiencing powerful feelings, that's a significant and symbolic emotion too and can be incorporated into your work just the same.
Total Schedule Flexibility
If you are creating art next to another job or you're juggling your art career with being a parent, sticking to a rigid schedule is one of the biggest problems of daily life. Now, you can enjoy a much greater sense of flexibility in schedule, which can have a great impact on boosting your art process. For example, if you're a night bird, you can stay up and work on your art a bit longer and not feel guilty about having to wake up early.
With the right perspective, even these crazy times can result in positive consequences and help you come out on the other side as a better artist and a better person. Try to use your time as wisely as possible, but don't put too much pressure on yourself about having to be super-productive. After all, this is a stressful time for everyone, and you need to learn how to incorporate breaks into your art process.

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